Bonnie Baker and Dania Bardavid Present CLE on U.S. Supreme Court's Expert Intent Ruling

Bonnie Baker and Dania Bardavid
Live Webinar
December 11, 2024
12 PM - 1 PM EST

Friedman Kaplan litigation counsel Bonnie M. Baker and associate Dania Bardavid presented a CLE program on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Diaz v. United States.  The Court held that expert testimony concluding that “most people” similar to a criminal defendant have a particular mental state does not violate Federal Rule of Evidence 704(b), which prohibits expert opinion evidence on whether a criminal defendant had or lacked the mental state required for conviction. This presentation explored the background of Rule 704(b), examined Diaz and other decisions relevant to the Rule, and offered considerations for white-collar defense strategy in a post-Diaz landscape.

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