Andrew W. Goldwater
Andy Goldwater represents investment funds, financial services companies, and groups of investors in commercial and securities litigation and arbitration involving complex financial products. He regularly represents buyers and sellers of distressed debt, currencies, and derivatives and other securities in connection with a variety of disputes involving failed trades, credit agreement and trust indenture issues, and contract and other commercial disputes. His practice also includes representation of bankruptcy estates, committees, and litigation trusts in bankruptcy litigation, including substantial fraudulent conveyance and avoidance claims.
Representative Matters
- Representation of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in defense of a class action lawsuit alleging a conspiracy to set the ISDAfix benchmark rate.
- Representation of a litigation trust formed in the bankruptcy case of Nine West Holdings Inc. in successfully prosecuting claims in the Southern District of New York for breach of fiduciary duty against former directors in connection with their approval of a leveraged buyout, and prosecuting fraudulent conveyance claims against former shareholders of the company.
- Representation of Wells Fargo & Co. and Wachovia in connection with a multibillion-dollar dispute with Citigroup arising out of the acquisition of Wachovia by Wells Fargo during the financial crisis.
- Representation of a quick-service restaurant franchisor in successful defense at trial of claims under the N.Y. Executive Law by the New York Attorney General alleging that point-of-service software licensed to franchisees caused violations of labor laws.
- Representation of Sony Electronics Inc. in defense against $200 million in claims by a bankruptcy trustee alleging preferential transfer, breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and other claims.
- Representation of LG Electronics, Inc. in defense of a lawsuit alleging claims in connection with acquisition of a digital advertising company.
- Representation of a securities-backed lender in successfully defending contract claims and prosecuting counterclaims through trial in New York’s Commercial Division and on appeal to the Appellate Division, First Department.
- Representation of an investment bank before FINRA in defense of claims seeking to hold the firm’s client, as broker, liable for a trade of distressed debt which failed to settle. Following a five-day hearing, the panel issued a judgment in favor of our client dismissing all claims in their entirety.
- Representation of a telecommunications investment firm defending lawsuits alleging breach of fiduciary duty arising out of the sale of its interest in Clearwire Corporation, to Sprint for approximately $100 million.
- Representation of funds advised by a well-known asset manager in a series of lawsuits against major broker dealers related to their failure to deliver Venezuelan Oil Obligations in connection with trades of Venezuelan Brady Bonds.
- Representation of a Japanese bank in the prosecution of claims against an Icelandic bank arising out of an unsettled foreign currency swap.
- Representation of a litigation trust formed in the bankruptcy case of Marvel Entertainment Group in the prosecution of claims for breach of fiduciary duty against Marvel's former controlling shareholder and affiliated directors in federal court in Delaware as well as on successful appeal before the Third Circuit.
Outside the Office
Andy is a member of the New York City Bar Association and has served on its Committees on Government Ethics, Federal Courts, Federal Legislation, and State Legislation. He is also a member of the Federal Bar Council and its Securities Litigation Committee, and the American Bar Association Section of Litigation.
Fast Facts
Practice Areas
New York University School of Law, J.D.
Tufts University B.A., magna cum laude
Bar Admissions
State of New York
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York and District of Massachusetts
U.S. Courts of Appeals for the First, Second, Third, and Fifth Circuits
U.S. Supreme Court
Honors and Awards
New York Super Lawyers List, 2020-present